How about that spontaneous drive to the beach where you all got out of the car and waded through the waves of the water watched your children build the big sand castle. After hours of fun trying to keep them away from the sand so there clothes would dry off before they got back into the car. Now I know that everyone has moments like these. Everyone does. Now the question is: Just because you don't have the pictures to show for it, does that mean you waste the memories? Heck NO! Let’s turn those memories into one giant layout about the day!
Let’s not forget the About Me pages we need to make about ourselves. Most of us don't have too many pictures of our childhood. I know that each of you have some memories of those days that you would love to incorporate in your books if you just had the pictures! Don't let that stop you go and write your story.
So how do you do all this? Well take a moment and think about it. Use your imagination and yes your journaling powers!
Let’s take the beach trip. How about starting with some paper that you might be about the beach, sandcastles or better yet make your self a background. Keep motivating the project. How about some die-cuts of sand castles or maybe a paper piecing or two. Don't forget the sun and then there are those cute little shovels and pails. Or beach sandles! Jolees has tons of 3-D things you can pick out! Maybe some sticker or even some cute little brads. Keep thinking!How about some ribbon! Oh now we are getting there. So I can see the layout its all about the words on the center of the page. Maybe we have torn the edges of our computer or handwritten journaling and put a little ink around the edges.

Here is an example layout that I made because I wanted to remember the first day my youngest son went to Kindergarten. Its a good example of a reason to do a journal page.
As you can see I used a chalkboard paper and then embellished the page around my journaling. It was a pretty good story and I wanted to remember it. I do have a kindergaten picture I can put on it, but I decided to just leave it like it is. It was one of those days when there was not time to think and of course mom forgot her camera, but there was no reason we needed to forget the memories. So I jotted it down and told his first day of school story!
Hopefully you can realize that scrap journaling can be a great addition to your scrapbooks. If you have a series of photos you can incorporate one page of journaling to tell the entire story and then show the pictures. No matter how you see fit to use just words, go ahead and try it. Telling the story adds so much interest in your books and you will be amazed at how others just want to sit and look and read them.
Article by
Debbie Ruggles